The City of Paramount has received inquiries from residents about a “Proposition 65 Notification” that was sent to a defined area in town in January.
Tag Archives | Carlton Forge Works
Forging Facilities Comply with Rule 1430 Requirements
The four metal forging facilities in Paramount – Carlton Forge Works, Press Forge, Mattco Forge, and Weber Metals – are now in compliance with SCAQMD’s Rule 1430 requirements.
SCAQMD Provides Update on Monitoring Efforts in Paramount
SCAQMD hosted a Town Hall meeting on June 20, 2018 at the Paramount Park Community Center to provide an update on the agency’s air monitoring efforts in the City.
Carlton Forge Works Complies with DTSC Cleaning Requirements
Beginning in February 2018, Carlton Forge Works contracted with a third-party surface cleaning service to augment its housekeeping activities within the facility and on adjacent streets.
Metal Facilities Implement New Technology to Meet SCAQMD Requirements
The City will continue to closely monitor the three businesses’ progress toward reducing air emissions.
L.A. County Department of Public Health Announces Directives Targeting Four Paramount Companies Emitting Hexavalent Chromium
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) has issued Public Health Directives to four Paramount metal companies: Carlton Forge Works, Mattco Forge, Press Forge, and Weber Metals.
Carlton Forge Works Agrees to Order to Reduce Potential for Creating Nuisance Odors
The independent SCAQMD Hearing Board has issued a Stipulated Order of Abatement to Carlton Forge Works requiring them to pursue actions to further reduce the potential for odors from the facility.
City Attends SCAQMD Hearing for Carlton Forge Works
On Thursday, July 13, the SCAQMD Hearing Board held a public hearing to consider a request for an Order for Abatement related to odor complaints at Carlton Forge Works.
Carlton Forge Agrees to Proposed Administrative Order
SCAQMD has filed a petition for an administrative order to require Carlton Forge Works to reduce its persistent odors. The facility has agreed to a proposed order.
SCAQMD Hearing on Carlton Forge Works Odor Complaints
SCAQMD will hold a Hearing Board proceeding on Thursday, July 13 at 9:00 a.m. to consider the request for Order for Abatement related to odor complaints at Carlton Forge Works in Paramount.