Forging Facilities Comply with Rule 1430 Requirements

Three of the metal forging facilities in Paramount – Carlton Forge Works, Press Forge, and Mattco Forge – are now in compliance with the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD) Rule 1430 requirements.

Rule 1430 prohibits metal forging facilities from conducting outdoor metal grinding and metal cutting operations. As such, the four companies have each built total enclosures for their grinding operations. The enclosures are required to be properly vented to air pollution control equipment while each facility implements housekeeping measures to minimize fugitive emissions.

The City of Paramount worked closely with the three businesses since the Rule came into effect to ensure compliance as quickly as possible. After reviewing the new changes, and making sure they fell within the City’s standard building requirements, Paramount issued the final building permits to Carlton Forge, Mattco, and Weber in spring 2018.

Press Forge will be the final facility to gain compliance. The facility is in the process of constructing its total enclosure; the City will issue final building permits upon completion.

City staff will continually monitor the facilities and work with SCAQMD to maintain compliance.


Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly named Weber Metals as one of the metal forging facilities in Paramount in compliance with the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD) Rule 1430 requirements. This version of the story has been corrected.

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