Since 1989, the City of Paramount has made it a priority to promote sustainability and environmental health. On numerous occasions, the City has been recognized for its relentless effort and commitment to sustainability.
- Gold-Level Energy Action Award – Gateway Cities Council of Governments
- Recognition as Tree City USA – Arbor Day Foundation
- Good Corporate Citizen Certificate – Industrial Waste Section of the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
- Gold-Level Energy Action Award – Gateway Cities Council of Governments
- Recognition as Tree City USA – Arbor Day Foundation
- Institute for Local Government’s BOOST Program Participant Selection – Institute for Local Governments
- Platinum Level Sustainability Best Practices Beacon Spotlight Award – Institute for Local Governments
- Gold Level Greenhouse Gas Reductions Spotlight Award – Institute for Local Governments
- Good Corporate Citizen Certificate – Industrial Waste Section of the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
- Recognition as Tree City USA – Arbor Day Foundation
- Green Leadership Award – Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
- Good Corporate Citizen Certificate – Industrial Waste Section of the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
- Gold Level Sustainability Best Practices Beacon Spotlight Award – Institute of Local Governments
- Held “Clutter-Free Paramount” Event for residents to dispose of e-waste, large items, green waste and documents
- Partnered with GRID Alternatives to provide free solar to income-eligible residents
- Proposed Zoning Code Amendments to prevent new uses: oil refineries, metal manufacturing and processing, plastics manufacturing, paint manufacturing, etc.
- Silver Level Sustainability Best Practices Beacon Spotlight Award – Institute of Local Governments
- Model Community Achievement in Air Quality Award – SCAQMD
- Good Corporate Citizen Certificate – Industrial Waste Section of the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
- Joined Clean Power Alliance to provide greener energy alternatives for residents and businesses
- Filter A Units removed pollutants from storm water before discharged to the L.A. River
- Implemented drought-tolerant traffic median landscaping
- Awarded grant funds to extend bike path
- Joined Gateway Cities Climate Action Plan
- Created urban wood pathways from recycled wood chips
- Implemented comprehensive Bike Master Plan to encourage greenhouse gas reductions
- Installed LED lighting and water conservation practices at City facilities
- Required developers of new and significantly rebuilt facilities to manage storm water to treat runoff
- Enacted “Green Street” Ordinance
- Installed solar panels on the roof of City yard warehouse
- Established Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program for resident and business energy-efficiency
- Required City’s trash and recycling company to use natural gas vehicles
- Installed weather-based irrigation controls to regulate and improve efficiency
- Installed catch-basin screens to prevent trash and debris from entering rivers and ocean
- Started Curbside Recycling Program
- Ongoing review of office practices to cut waste
- Forced contractors to recycle concrete and asphalt when doing work in Paramount
- Started Graffiti Tracker Program via the internet to bypass paper copy photos
- Established Tree Planting Program in neighborhoods and parks
- Started purchasing low emission vehicles for City Fleet
- Half of City’s full-time employees off every other Friday to reduce energy usage at facilities and vehicle emissions from commutes
- Started using reclaimed water to irrigate most parks and other landscaped areas
- Rubberized asphalt for street paving (4,000 old recycled tires per mile)