At the direction of the City Council, the City of Paramount has assembled this information portal to ensure transparency and facts are available to the Paramount community about environmental concerns and questions. The issues affecting environmental quality in our community are complicated, and the City believes that creating a single purpose portal to address the questions and concerns of residents would be helpful.
This is an evolving website. It is expected that, as new information is available, the content and pages of this website will change to be most useful for residents and businesses.
Content on this website is the responsibility of two people.
- John Carver, the City’s Planning Director, provides the overall point of contact with the public where it concerns questions about environmental issues. He can be reached at: 562-220-2048 or
- Adriana Figueroa, the City’s Public Works Director, oversees programs and initiatives that maintain and enhance the City’s infrastructure, including streets, parks, buildings, equipment, and water utility. This includes sustainability efforts within Paramount. She can be reached at: (562) 220-2100 or
- Pauline Jauregui, the City’s Communications & Engagement Manager, is charged with managing and supporting the full range of community outreach efforts at the City, and has additional responsibilities associated with this website. She can be reached at: (562) 220-2030 or
If you have any question you want answered, please feel free to contact us.