During a Special Meeting on June 27, 2018, the Paramount Planning Commission approved the Air Quality Sub Committee’s proposed zoning changes. The group had reviewed the recommended changes over the course of three Study Sessions, with feedback from both members of the public and the City’s business community.
The Planning Commission was required to review the Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (ZOTA) by law before the changes could be acted upon by the City Council for final review and a vote.
Throughout the Study Sessions, the Planning Commission performed an in-depth review of the ZOTA and how it would affect metal-related and numerous non-metal related facilities in Paramount. Many community members showed support for the extensive changes, while facility workers added comments about the proposed modifications.
The Planning Commission provided additional options for certain sections of the zoning changes and approved the revised draft changes. Some of the revisions in ZOTA No. 8 include:
- Clarification that a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for expansion is not dependent on receiving an Administrative Action.
- Adding “hydraulic press” to the definition of a “punch press.”
- Prohibiting many uses in the M-2 zone.
- Prohibit drop forge or drop hammer uses in all zones.
- Expand on definition of “rolling mills” and prohibit the use.
The amendments are sweeping in scope, and are intended to help improve air quality in Paramount. A full summary of proposed changes can be viewed here: Zoning Matrix with Proposed Changes
On Tuesday, August 7, the City Council will begin the final review of ZOTA #8, which are specifically related to Paramount’s manufacturing zones: M-1, light manufacturing; M-2 heavy manufacturing; and PD-PS planned development with performance standards.
The meeting will be held at 6:00 pm at City Hall, 16400 Colorado Avenue. The meeting agenda and staff report on this item are now available on the City’s website at paramountcity.com.
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