Monthly Water Testing – December 2017 Results

One year ago, the City of Paramount began testing its water supply more frequently for hexavalent chromium, following community concerns regarding elevated emissions of the metal affecting air quality. The first results from last December showed hexavalent chromium to be at less than 1 part per billion (PPB) in Paramount, which is the detection limit for drinking water.

The City has since followed a standing plan to monitor the water supply on a monthly basis, a schedule that exceeds most federal and state standards.

The results for November 2017 showed a level of 0.165 ug/l. The results for this December indicate a level of 0.118 ug/l.*

“As of this month, the City has undergone 13 consecutive rounds of testing,” said Peggy Lemons, Mayor of Paramount. “We have developed an excellent baseline for typical levels of chromium detected in the water over the last twelve months. This will help us safeguard our water quality – as well as the health of our residents – in the future. We are committed to remaining vigilant and ensuring that environmental protection remains our top priority.”

The results for December and the past year can be viewed on the Hexavalent Chromium Test Results page.

*Earlier this year, the State MCL of 10 PPB for hexavalent chromium in water supplies was challenged in court by the California Manufacturers and Technology Association and the Solano County Taxpayers Association. As a result of findings that the State failed to consider economic factors when implementing the MCL, the 10 PPB MCL has been eliminated. The State will continue to enforce a MCL for Total Chromium of 50 PPB; “Total Chromium” refers to chromium in all its forms, including hexavalent chromium as well as other non-harmful chromium. In the 2016 Consumer Confidence Report, the City of Paramount reported 0.12 PPB in Total Chromium in the water supply.


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