During its February 20, 2018 meeting, the Paramount City Council authorized staff to submit an application to the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Committee (MSRC) for a 2017 Local Government Partnership Program Grant. If awarded, the grant will provide $72,580 to the City for the installation two electric vehicle charging stations in Paramount.
The MSRC works with cities and counties through its Local Government Partnership Program to encourage the use of zero- and near-zero-emission vehicles — particularly electric vehicles. One main goal of the program is to support the 2016 Air Quality Management Plan of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD).
The availability of electric vehicle charging stations (also known as electric vehicle supply equipment or “EVSE”) has proven to have the most profound impact on the public’s growing use of these vehicles. The MSRC grants contribute up to 50% of the total cost for private access EVSE and up to 75% for publicly accessible EVSE.
Paramount Community Development staff is in the process of developing an implementation plan for the charging stations, with the goal of installation within six months. The proposed EVSE locations include the Civic Center and the Sheriff Station.
An expanded and higher-profile EVSE network will benefit current and prospective electric vehicle owners, and foster a transition away from internal combustion engines. This, in turn, will benefit local and regional air quality and support Paramount’s broader sustainability efforts.
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