During its July 17 meeting, the City of Paramount proposed a new citywide program to assist Paramount residents with obtaining air purifier filtration units or HVAC filters for their home. The Residential Air Purifier Filtration and HVAC Filter Rebate Program is intended to address diesel-related pollutants and help improve air quality in Paramount homes.
As part of the City’s continuing efforts to address air quality issues within the community, Paramount began exploring grant funding opportunities related to indoor air filtration units for residents. The City partnered with a Certified Industrial Hygienist from Pacific EH & S Services (Pacific) – an environmental, health, and safety consultant – that analyzed air quality data in the area and provided recommendations regarding the type of filtration equipment most appropriate for reducing levels of unhealthful air.
During indoor air sampling performed in 2017 by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH), no specific hazards were noted. As such, Pacific determined that the use of air filters and air filtration units was not recommended as a necessity; however, such equipment could be used as a matter of personal preference.
Based on the recommendations provided by Pacific, air filtration units should be equipped with changeable “HEPA” filters. A HEPA filter will remove metal particulates and is the most appropriate type of filter for toxic air contaminants.
Room-based air purifier units with HEPA filters can cost between $150 and $250 each. The City will rebate up to $100 for the cost of a qualifying home air purifier unit of the applicant’s choice, or up to $50 for the purchase of HVAC filters.
To receive the rebate, applicants must submit an online application with a copy of their receipt within 60 days of the purchase date (one rebate per household on a first-come, first-served basis). Once submitted, Community Development Department staff will review the application and the rebate/reimbursement will be issued to the Paramount resident.
The program will go into effect soon, so please check this website regularly for the latest information.
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