City Notes Past Year’s Activities, Provides Monthly Snapshots

In the fall of 2016, unacceptably high levels of hexavalent chromium were detected from metal-related companies located in the City of Paramount. Since then, the City and its staff have addressed the air quality issue and worked to lower these toxic emissions in close partnership with the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH), and other environmental regulatory agencies.

November marked one year of continuous air quality monitoring and increased public engagement, as well as a greater degree of oversight and accountability imposed on each facility involved. During this time, Paramount has climbed a steep learning curve to better understand the various challenges of this situation. By actively teaming with each environmental regulator, the City has gained deep insight on how to best address many types of environmental issues not normally considered the jurisdiction of a municipality.

As such, City staff has restructured the Paramount Environmental portal to show the various reports and test results that have been published throughout the year. The new Reports tab was created for greater ease of accessibility and transparency.

Moreover, the portal now showcases snapshots of the top stories and highlights from each month since November 2016. Viewers can utilize the Monthly Update section of the website to gain a comprehensive understanding of key events and actions that took place on a month-to-month timeline.

Although one year has passed, the City’s efforts at improving the environment continue. The progress marked by new laws and lowered emissions in the last 12 months highlights Paramount’s ongoing commitment as an active partner with SCAQMD, DPH, and other regulatory agencies to move forward with this important work.

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