CLAIM: The City of Paramount has told residents not to worry about metal odors and the environmental effects of Hexavalent Chromium, and has defended the manufacturing companies.


The City always encourages residents to report any odor-related issues to AQMD, which investigates such reports. Call 1-800-CUT-SMOG

Regarding the effects of hexavalent chromium, upon learning about the significant environmental issues discovered by AQMD, the City partnered with AQMD to aid their investigation into finding the sources. The City also launched a significant public information campaign to keep the community informed about the air quality issues – including launching this website ( Additionally, the City produced video updates for the community, purchased monitors to aid the search for emissions, and spoke at both the LA County Board of Supervisors and the AQMD Board to encourage more action and support for progress on air quality.  Finally, the City formed a sub-committee to investigate the issue from a City viewpoint and advanced and adopted new zoning regulations designed to increase air quality and expand transparency of metal-related companies in the City.


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